Many entreprenuers don't understand why their "perfect fit" partners are not working out.

You've done your due diligence, verified your partner's education, experience, knowledge and skills, and are very clear about what your company culture is. And you really, really like them!

Yet what should have been a perfect fit, isn't.

We call this the missing link.

When you have done everything you're supposed to do to find your best-fit partner, yet the partnership is not working out as expected, then it might be due to conative differences between your expectations of your partner and how they actually take action.

The Kolbe System(TM) analyzes the way people take purposeful action and provides strategies for improving individual and group performance.

Both Dave and Sandy are Kolbe Certified(TM) Consultants who can help you implement the unique tools, training and expertise in your business. For more information about Kolbe, please visit